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Termite Barriers: Are They Effective?

Writer: Brent HenessBrent Heness

Are Termite Barriers Effective?

Whenever we hear the word “termite,” every homeowner perceives it as a threat to the integrity of their property. Having a bunch of them crawling under your walls and other structures of your home could very well spell disaster. It’s a long-standing battle against these pesky critters, thus more ways to keep them at bay are created.

One of the interventions in combating this problem is by having termite barriers. As the word implies, termite barriers keep those unwanted guests away from any structure of your house, blocking any foraging activity. It’s basically like saying, “Nope, you’re not welcome here!”

The great thing about termite barriers is that they don’t contain any pesticide in them, so it is a safe addition to your home. Furthermore, termite barriers come in more than one form, giving further protection to your property. After all, it’s your home, not theirs.

Types of Termite Barriers

There are generally two types of termite barriers, and they are:

1. Physical Termite Barrier

Devices made out of either stainless steel mesh or granulated rock are referred to as physical termite barriers. They are positioned either outside a building or within the external walls, preventing termites from penetrating further.

Because they cannot chew or move through the property, they will have to look for a different foraging spot.

2. Chemical Termite Barrier

The use of chemical termite barriers is considered to be one of the most popular types of protection against these pests. How it works is that you can spray the liquid underneath a structure’s foundations, through a concrete slab, or around the perimeter of your home.

It’s also a good barrier for your pipe system as it adapts the shape of the surface. It has to be reapplied every couple of years, however, to maintain its effect.

Alternative to Termite Barriers

There are some buildings that have taken an alternative to termite barriers, and that is by using termite resistant roofing and wall frames. They are usually made of steel or treated timbers that are believed to repel termites.

While it sounds like a good material, the problem is that there may be other structures in a building that’s susceptible to termite infestation, so it has to be coupled by other protective measures.

Are Termite Barriers Enough?

This creation to ward off termites are ingenious and all, but they aren’t always foolproof. Termites have a nasty sense of direction, and they might be able to invade a property in ways we didn’t think of. So just to be on the safe side, we should pair these precautions with professional pest inspections at least annually. That way, you’re covering all grounds and leaving no stone unturned.

Are you looking for an expert pest inspections provider? Leave the job to us and we’ll take care of everything.



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